Once you have placed your order we will contact you for details such as color etc.
American HandMade Bandoliers
Once the purchase is made we will contact you to confirm your specifications for your bandolier.
The Timmy Bandolier
Made to meet your needs and specifications, color and size. The holster may be canted to the draw position that best suits you. Any weapon/anycaliber ammo you desire. $549.00 Suede lined . Scoped pistols may run a bit more. Call before ordering, otherwise you may place your order. We will contact you to confirm all the details you may want on this rig.
267-664-0484 M-F 8-5 pm EST
The Plain R-18B Bandolier
Made for both right and left hand shooters. Knives must be supplied to Frontier for the custom sheaths to be made properly. Made for any weapon and any caliber ammo.
Suede lined. Scoped pistol holsters may run a bit more. If so, call before ordering, otherwise you may place your order. We will contact you for all the details you may want on this rig.
267-664-0484 M-F 8-5 pm EST
The Mauldin Bandolier
If you’re a poor shot, you will just love having all this ammo wrapped around your body. This is the Bandolier made just for you. Made to your needs and specifications, color and size. The holster may be canted to the draw position that best suits you.
Suede lined and can be made for any weapon and caliber ammo. Scoped pistol holsters may run a bit more. If so, call before ordering, otherwise you may place your order. We will contact you for all the details you may want on this rig.
267-664-0484 M-F 8-5 pm EST
The R-18 Bandolier
Made for both right and left hand shooters. Knives must be supplied to Frontier for the custom sheaths to be made properly. Made for any weapon and any caliber ammo.
Suede lined. Scoped pistol holsters may run a bit more. If so, call before ordering, otherwise you may place your order. We will contact you for all the details you may want on this rig.
267-664-0484 M-F 8-5 pm EST